当前看点!原创Sias IS - First PYP Exhibition | 西亚斯外籍学校首届小学毕业展
One of the most exciting times in the PYP is the Exhibition.Last week G5 students broughtawonderfulexhibitionto all the students,teachersand staff inSiasIS community.
What’s PYP Exhibition
The PYP Exhibition provides opportunities for grade 5 students to showcase what they learned throughout their time in PYP. They engaged in collaborative group work by conducting an in-depth inquiry about real-life issues they are passionate about throughout their PYP period. It is an exhibition that requires different skills, such as self-reflection, collaboration, integrated inquiry into a certain topic, and the ability to take action as student advocates. The PYP Exhibition is also a valuable experience for students which allows them to synthesize the knowledge, skills, and their understanding of different concepts they have learned to solve the problems.小学毕业展览是五年级同学以小组为单位,对自己感兴趣的现实生活问题进行深入探究,并通过展览的形式将他们的探究过程和成果呈现出来的活动。这是一个涉及了学生自我反思、团队协作、课题综合探究、学生个人行动力的展览,也是学生们一次宝贵的体验,它让学生综合利用在小学阶段所学到的知识、技能和概念性的理解来解决所研究的问题。
Topics of 2023 PYP Exhibition
This year the grade 5 students chose 5 topics from the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations to start their inquiry. They are: 今年五年级的学生们从联合国可持续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals)中,最终选定了五个不同的主题进行探究,它们是:Sias IS
No Poverty
Climate Action
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-Being
Clean Water and Sanitation
Review of 2023 PYP Exhibition
G5 students started preparing the exhibition early in the morning. From the board design to presentation, they did a great job. The exhibition started at 9:00am. 五年级的同学们一早就开始准备展览现场,从展板布置到作品讲述,每个环节都做了最全面的准备。展览会从九点正式拉开序幕。Grade 5 students were divided into five groups to present to the students, teachers, and parents followed by answering questions from their audience.Later, Ms. Addie, our academic principal, gave the closing remarks and handed trophies to the mentors of each group to demonstrate appreciation for their support. She was amazed by the plethora of skills that G5 students demonstrated in preparing for this exhibition and pleased to see the improvements in self-management, communication, and collaboration. She also thanked Ms. Levrets and Ms. Penny, the G5 homeroom teacher and instructional assistant for their efforts in leading this exhibition! 五年级的五组成员分别为前来的在校生、老师和家长进行详细的项目阐述,并完美地解答了参观者所提出的问题。在随后的环节,我们的艾迪校长为这场小学展览会致闭幕辞,并对每个小组背后默默支持的小组导师颁发奖杯,并且对五年级的学生在本次小学毕业展中所表现出的探索技能、独立处理问题的方法维度、以及合作探究品质、发展自我管理和沟通技能等方面能力的提升感到高兴,同时对五年级的主班老师Ms. Levrets 为本次毕业展做出的努力表示感谢!The successful PYP exhibition also marked that G5 students have risen to a new level in terms of academic performance and skills development. Now we believe that they are ready to go to their MYP period. With continual learning, they will be the brightest generation of the future.五年级的小学毕业展览圆满结束,同样标志着五年级的学生们在知识储备、逻辑思维发展等方面已经上升了一个全新的水平,相信为今后初中阶段的学习也做足了准备。以梦为马,不负韶华,你们将是未来最闪耀的一代。
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